Friday, October 26, 2012



Weathering-the desintegration and de compasition of rock at or near earth's surface

compaction-process by whic sediments are squeezed together by the weight of over lying materials driving out water

heat y preassure- thermal energy transfered from one odject to another

sedimentary-rock formed from the weathered products of preexisting rocks that have bee trans ported de posited compacted and cemented

metamorphic rock-rock formed by the alteration of prexisting rock deep withing aerth ( busstill in the solid states)

magma-abody of molten rock found at depth in cluding any dissolved gases and crystal

igneous rock-roca formada por la cristalization de magma liquid

rock cycle-model that illustrates the origint of the three basic rock types and the in terrlated  ness of eart materials and processes

cementation-solidification of sediments by the de position of dissoved minerals in the tiny spaces between the sedimentary particles

metamorphic- foliated, non-f
sed-clastic, chemical, bioclastic crystalline




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